July 7, 2024

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Here at WAF, our love for dogs knows no bounds. They’re not just pets; they’re our best friends, known for their unconditional love, loyalty, and the boundless joy they bring into our lives. However, it’s important to recognize that not all dog breeds are created equal.

Some breeds have been labeled as ‘dangerous‘ due to various factors, leading to discussions and even laws concerning their ownership. It’s crucial to remember, though, that these issues aren’t black and white.

In our commitment to keeping our readers informed about all things related to animals, especially our beloved pets, we’ve compiled a list of the 25 breeds often described as the most dangerous dog breeds in the world.

Despite these tags, we believe every dog has the capacity to be just as endearing and lovable as the next.

25 Most Dangerous Dogs in the World

We adore all dogs, yet it’s important to be informed about the breeds labeled as the most dangerous, fostering awareness for safe and harmonious coexistence.

1. Cane Corso

The Cane Corso, with its muscular build and commanding presence, is generally known for its mild temperament. However, this breed has been involved in some fatal incidents, underscoring the importance of understanding and respecting their capabilities. Originating as a guard dog, the Cane Corso has a deeply ingrained protective instinct.

While they can be incredibly loyal and affectionate with their families, their powerful physique and strong territorial instincts require careful management. Responsible ownership, including early socialization and proper training, is essential in mitigating potential risks associated with this formidable breed to ensure the safety of both the dog and those around it.

2. Saint Bernard

5 most dangerous dogs

The Saint Bernard, renowned for its kind-hearted nature, is often depicted as the epitome of a gentle giant. Yet, it’s wise not to be misled by its seemingly slow demeanor; this breed is capable of quick reactions and, in rare instances, may display aggression. There have been reports of Saint Bernard dogs unexpectedly attacking strangers and even their own owners.

While their imposing size and slobbery kisses might intimidate some, the reality is that Saint Bernards are essentially big, fluffy bundles of love. They usually enjoy a positive reputation and often become the beloved centerpiece of a family, embodying both the role of a gentle companion and a vigilant protector.

3. Tosa Inu

top 20 most dangerous dogs

The Tosa Inu, also known as the Japanese Mastiff, may not be as familiar as other breeds featured here, but it carries a unique background. Originally bred for dog fighting, the Tosa Inu was trained in a style akin to Sumo wrestling, contributing to its standing as one of the most dangerous dog breeds.

Despite the potential for socialization and training to mitigate aggressive tendencies, there have been instances of Tosa Inus attacking and even killing people around the world, leading to bans in several countries and parts of the U.S. Nonetheless, with the right training and environment, Tosa Inus can show a deeply warm and affectionate side towards their families.

4. Bull Terrier

risky dog to own

Bull Terriers, recognizable for their distinctive egg-shaped heads, boast exceptional strength, often ranking among the strongest breeds for their size. Despite their gentle and affectionate nature with family, their strong “prey drive” can pose a danger to smaller animals.

While they make loyal guardians, cautious handling around strangers, children, and other pets is crucial due to their innate strength and potential prey instincts.

5. Boxer

most dangerous dog in the world 2024

Boxers, with their endearingly dopey appearance, were originally bred as working dogs, blending a protective nature with high energy levels. Boxers, renowned as excellent watchdogs, can exhibit aggression stemming from their protective instincts. Their strong underbite jaw can inflict serious damage in a bite.

While generally patient and playful, their strength can become a concern if not properly managed. Owners must match their vigor to ensure they remain controlled and their exuberant energy is channeled positively.

6. Rhodesian Ridgeback

25 most dangerous dogs

Rhodesian Ridgebacks, known for their boundless energy, require dedicated owners who can provide ample time and effort to fulfill their exercise needs. Episodes of aggression may arise when these dogs are left alone for extended periods, leading to destructive behavior. Moreover, engaging in dog playdates in parks may exacerbate their prey drive, posing a risk to smaller animals or dogs.

Inexperienced owners may struggle to manage Rhodesian Ridgebacks, as their confident and dominant temperament demands extensive exercise, training, and comprehension. Without proper guidance, these dogs can exhibit dangerous behaviors, underscoring the importance of consulting seasoned handlers for successful pet ownership.

7. American Bulldog

worlds most dangerous dog

The American Bulldog, known for its robust physique, can pose a risk if not trained adequately. Its muscular build, coupled with insufficient training, heightens the potential for unintentional harm to individuals. Additionally, this breed boasts a formidable bite and remarkable jumping ability, capable of causing significant injury.

The UK has contemplated prohibiting Bulldogs due to past incidents involving attacks resulting in fatalities. However, proponents of the breed emphasize its affectionate and familial disposition, advocating for its continued acceptance.

8. Perro de Presa Canario

world's scariest dog

The Perro de Presa Canario, originally bred for herding and guarding livestock, is a formidable canine with a commanding presence. Possessing a massive physique, this breed serves as an excellent guard dog. However, its fighting-dog ancestry underscores its potential for extreme aggression and challenging behavior management.

Numerous incidents involving Presa Canarios attacking strangers have been reported, highlighting the importance of early socialization and obedience training. In certain circumstances, Presas may display aggression towards other dogs and exhibit suspicion towards unfamiliar individuals, necessitating careful handling and training protocols.

9. Great Dane

most deadliest dog in the world

The Great Dane, known for its towering stature and gentle demeanor, may not appear intimidating to those familiar with the breed. However, due to its immense size and strength, the Great Dane is capable of inflicting serious injuries if not properly socialized and trained.

While the breed is typically gentle and has a low aggression level, incidents involving poorly socialized Great Danes can lead to aggressive behavior, posing significant medical risks if bites occur. Therefore, responsible socialization and training are essential for ensuring the safe and appropriate behavior of Great Danes.

10. Gull Dong

worlds dangerous dog

The Gull Dong, also known as the Pakistani Bull Dog, is a breed known for its strong will and potential for aggressive behavior. Successful obedience training with these dogs typically requires a handler who can assert themselves as a strong, alpha leader. Due to their high prey drive, Gull Dongs are often considered unsafe around small children, posing a risk to their safety.

However, they excel in providing protection and creating a secure environment for their owners by deterring potential threats and criminal activities. These dogs are incredibly active and always on alert, displaying a natural suspicion towards strangers and a protective instinct over their home territory.

11. American Bandogge

most vicious dogs in the world

The American Bandogge is naturally inclined to perform various tasks and thrive in working environments. Despite their intended purpose, their significant body mass and muscular build historically made them prime candidates for dog fighting, leading to a breeding focus on aggression.

This misuse of their natural abilities has unfortunately resulted in many American Bandogges having psychological issues, making them inherently more prone to dangerous and aggressive behaviors. Therefore, it’s strongly recommended that only experienced dog handlers or professional trainers undertake the training of an American Bandogge, ensuring safety and proper management of their complex behavior.

12. Basenji

the most dangerous dog in the world

The Basenji is a bundle of energy, which can sometimes be mistaken for aggression by those unfamiliar with the breed. Their high energy levels mean they’re prone to chasing anything that catches their eye if let off the leash. However, Basenjis can also be affectionate, independent, and deeply loyal, making them a great match for the right family.

Known for their playful and loving nature, they enjoy popularity in Asia, especially among families. Yet, potential owners should be aware that Basenjis can be challenging to train, often showing a preference for wandering. They also tend to be wary of strangers and other dogs, which can lead to sudden displays of aggression.

13. Dogo Argentino

top 15 most dangerous dogs

The Dogo Argentino, known for its imposing appearance, serves as an excellent guard dog and shines in canine sports. Despite its history in dog fighting, the American Kennel Club recognizes the breed as loving and loyal to their families. While they might not be the first choice for households with children, their eagerness to please makes them more trainable than many other breeds.

Bred for strength and athleticism, the Dogo Argentino was intentionally developed to show no aggression towards humans. However, it’s worth noting that ownership of a Dogo Argentino is prohibited in the United Kingdom due to concerns about their potential for aggression.

14. Fila Brasileiro

deadliest dogs

The Fila Brasileiro, or Brazilian Mastiff, is a formidable breed originating from Brazil, renowned for its exceptional tracking skills. However, it’s also known for its aggressive and impulsive nature. Due to its large size, distinct temperament, and aggressive potential, this breed faces bans in numerous countries.

Despite this, the Brazilian Mastiff is recognized for its unwavering loyalty as a guardian, effectively ensuring the safety of its home and family. These dogs can be excellent companions, especially adept at deterring unwelcome visitors, partly due to their inherent distrustful nature. For those with a more introverted personality seeking a loyal and protective pet, the Fila Brasileiro could be an ideal match.

15. Akita Inu

meanest dog in the world

The Akita, hailing from Japan, is a sizable breed known for its protective nature. This instinct, combined with its independent and sometimes stubborn character, can make socializing with other dogs challenging.

In some states, Akitas are classified alongside other breeds considered dangerous, leading to ownership restrictions. Despite this, the Akita remains a beloved pet across the United States. With the right training, these dogs can become incredibly affectionate, deeply devoted to their families, and serve as effective watchdogs.

16. Chow Chow

most dangerous dog in the world

Chow Chows are compact yet powerfully built dogs, distinguished by their intense protective instincts. Their small stature belies a potential for ferocity, particularly when they encounter strangers. Without proper socialization, their natural suspicion can evolve into aggression.

These dogs possess dominant personalities and exhibit strong loyalty towards their owners, often becoming highly protective. Frequently cited as one of the most aggressive dog breeds, especially towards unfamiliar people, Chow Chows require adequate exercise and mental stimulation to prevent negative behaviors triggered by boredom or lack of activity.

17. Alaskan Malamute

most dangerous dogs in the world

The Alaskan Malamute is a breed that combines size and power with a high level of energy. Known for their love of jumping and playful mischief, they inherit a strong prey drive from their ancestors, which can sometimes lead to aggressive behavior towards other pets or, in rare cases, children.

Their independent nature means they may not always follow their owner’s commands, highlighting the importance of starting training early to ensure they grow into well-behaved adults.

18. Wolf Hybrid

deadliest dogs

Wolf Hybrids, the offspring of wolves and domestic dogs carry with them the unpredictable nature of their wild ancestors. This mix often results in a display of more primal instincts not seen in entirely domestic dog breeds.

The legality of owning a Wolf dog varies, with some states outright banning them, underscoring the need for potential owners to deeply understand the complex needs and behavioral challenges these animals present. Handling them requires caution and a commitment to responsible ownership to mitigate any risks and ensure safety.

19. Rottweiler

what is the most dangerous dog in the world

Rottweilers come with innate herding and guarding instincts, coupled with exceptional strength, making them formidable protectors. This breed is particularly noted for its willingness to take aggressive action if it perceives a threat to its owner, family, or territory.

Reflecting on their protective nature, the CDC highlighted that during 1995-1996, Rottweilers were the breed most frequently involved in fatal attacks. This dog bite statistic underscores the importance of proper training and socialization for these powerful dogs.

20. Boerboel

top 25 most aggressive dog breeds

The South African Mastiff, also known as the Boerboel, is a massive breed that exudes intimidation but can also serve as an excellent family protector. Typically, a Boerboel will not hesitate to chase or confront strangers if it feels threatened.

Weighing in at over 200 lbs and possessing a bite force exceeding 700 lbs per square inch, the Boerboel has the potential to be incredibly dangerous under certain conditions. Engaging playfully without understanding this breed’s strength and protective instincts might not be the wisest choice.

21. Pit Bull

12 most dangerous dog breeds

Pit Bulls often top the list when it comes to breeds with a reputation for unpredictability and aggression, sometimes even directed towards their own owners or family members. This has led the state and local governments to implement breed-specific legislation to restrict ownership.

Despite their use in dog fighting, it’s important to remember that Pit Bulls can also be loving and devoted companions. Historically referred to as “nanny dogs” for their gentle nature with children, it’s clear that not all Pit Bulls are aggressive. While there have been incidents involving bull terriers attacking people, these dogs possess loyalty and intelligence.

22. Doberman Pinscher

world's meanest dog

Originally bred as guard dogs, the term “pinscher” in Doberman Pinscher comes from a German word describing their tendency to bite and hold onto their prey. This breed has been refined over generations to excel in protective roles, which might explain their reputation for being formidable.

Despite their intensity and a common perception of aggression, Dobermans can also show a playful, affectionate side, being incredibly loyal to their family members. While breeders have worked to reduce their aggressive traits in recent years, modern Dobermans may still display wariness or hostility towards strangers, maintaining their guard dog instincts.

23. Huskies

meanest dogs in the world

The Husky, a breed with a storied past as a sled dog, has an ingrained need for regular activity. Known for their intelligence yet challenging to train, it’s important for Husky owners to start obedience training early on.

While Huskies aren’t considered a significant health risk to people, their substantial size and energetic nature can sometimes result in injuries. Given their remarkable strength, they may not always be the best choice for families with small children.

24. German Shepherd

25 most dangerous dogs in the world

German Shepherds might not be the first breed that comes to mind when discussing dangerous dogs, but their size and strength can be intimidating. Despite being the second-most popular dog breed in the United States, lack of proper training or socialization can lead to aggressive behavior towards humans and smaller dogs.

With a jaw capable of delivering over 238 pounds of bite force, it’s crucial to ensure they’re well-trained and socialized.

25. Caucasian Ovcharka

worlds deadliest dog

The Caucasian Shepherd, with its fluffy, bear-like appearance, is known for being both loyal and brave, making it a great choice for guarding homes and families. They’re really good at keeping intruders away.

A common misunderstanding is thinking that just because a dog is loyal, it’ll automatically be great with families. While it’s true that with the right training, this breed can be an excellent protector of its family, without proper training, they might become too aggressive towards strangers.


The discussion on the 25 most dangerous dog breeds highlights the potential risks associated with certain breeds, such as the American Pit Bull Terrier and Wolf Dogs. While incidents involving domesticated dogs can stem from various factors, including aggressive behavior and dog bites, responsible ownership and proper training are crucial for mitigating these risks.

Incidents involving dogs stem from various factors, while dangerous dog breeds focus have gained momentum. Understanding aggressive dog behavior is essential for preventing such incidents involving dogs.

Dog owners should remain vigilant and prioritize the safety of both their pets and the community amidst the focus on dangerous dog breeds.

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