July 5, 2024

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Coyotes, typically shy creatures, tend to steer clear of human interaction. However, those roaming in urban or suburban areas might grow accustomed to the ease of living amidst humans and might even saunter into yards without much hesitation.

These daring coyotes, having shed their fear of humans, likely due to the abundance of food in the neighborhood, should not be encouraged but rather discouraged from their bold behavior.

Encountering coyote troubles on your property? Learning how to deal with them is crucial. Whether you’re aiming to clear your backyard of these predators or considering participating in trap and release programs, we’ve got you covered with a range of coyote control solutions that are both safe and humane – let’s dive in!

How to Get Rid of Coyotes

Tired of bold coyotes causing mischief? Discover effective ways to send them packing from your property.

Install Protective Fencing

how to get rid of coyotes in your neighborhood

While it may drastically alter your landscape, fencing proves to be a popular choice among many to deter coyotes.

For optimal effectiveness, opt for a fence standing at least seven feet tall. Select a sturdy material to prevent coyotes from easily scaling over. Steer clear of chain link or vertical slats, as they provide footholds for persistent coyotes.

Instead, opt for a smooth finish. Consider vertical wood slats, large fence panel systems, or even smooth concrete for best results. Designs with minimal textures and no potential footholds yield superior outcomes.

Address the ground level as well. Coyotes unable to leap over may resort to digging underneath. To counter this, extend the fence a foot or two below ground level.

Use Lights or Noises

how to scare off coyotes at night

For humane and chemical-free deterrents, opt for lights and sound. Solar LED lights or motion-activated yard lights can work wonders in scaring off coyotes from your property.

At night, they might mistake the gleaming lights for the eyes of another predator, prompting a swift retreat. Additionally, loud noises emitted from whistles, air horns, or noisemakers can effectively deter coyotes.

Fortunately, there are methods to maintain the commotion even in your absence. Sensor-based alarms offer a cost-effective and straightforward solution. Similar to conventional security systems, they activate upon detecting motion.

As soon as a coyote approaches, the alarm will sound, emitting a piercing noise that agitates the senses and swiftly sends the intruder scurrying away!

Adopt Guardian Dogs

how to get rid of coyotes

Certain dogs can serve as effective protection against coyotes. Guard dog breeds, when trained appropriately, can be particularly adept at deterring predators like coyotes, especially in safeguarding livestock.

Livestock guardian dogs come in various breeds and varieties. It’s crucial to understand that while these dogs possess a natural inclination to protect, they still require training. Opting for a dog raised alongside livestock can significantly enhance their effectiveness.

However, it’s essential to consider that owning a guard dog entails long-term responsibilities such as feeding and care throughout its life. Therefore, this decision shouldn’t be made lightly.

Coyote Repellent: Scent Strategies

Just like most canines, coyotes heavily rely on their keen sense of smell for survival. They sniff around tirelessly to locate food, often lured into yards by the tempting scent of nearby garbage cans. But here’s where you can turn the tables in your favor!

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Harnessing their strong olfactory senses, ammonia serves as an effective coyote repellent. Simply spray it generously around the perimeter of your property. Be sure to reapply after rainfall or opt for a dedicated coyote repellent for sustained effectiveness.

Various repellents are available, including predator urines, chemical sprays, pepper, mothballs, and vinegar-based scents. However, it’s crucial to note that these repellents require frequent reapplication to remain effective against wily coyotes.

Trapping Methods

how to deter coyotes from your property

Controlling nuisance animals, such as coyotes, is crucial. Game wardens and rangers play a vital role in managing coyote populations through trapping, a method you can also undertake yourself.

Trapping coyotes, however, poses challenges as they are inherently wary and cautious creatures. You can acquire coyote traps from garden and hardware stores or inquire with your local humane society for rental options.

The two most common traps used for coyotes are leg hold traps and cage traps. Given the intelligence of coyotes, proper placement of traps is crucial; otherwise, they’ll quickly learn to evade them. Therefore, conducting thorough research into the coyote’s travel patterns is essential for successful trapping.

It’s important to note that trapping regulations vary by state. While some states permit trapping, others mandate euthanasia. Be sure to research and adhere to your state’s regulations regarding coyote control.

Tidy Up Your Property

Allowing your yard to become messy and unkempt is one of the worst mistakes you can make when it comes to deterring coyotes. Overgrown vegetation and heaps of yard debris create an open invitation for these canines to move in.

how to get rid of coyotes around house

Coyotes thrive in hiding spots like tall grass and dense vegetation, using them as cover while they scavenge for food. Consequently, a poorly maintained property acts like a magnet for coyotes!

Another common reason coyotes may venture into your backyard is food. Removing food sources and ensuring that food is stored in secure containers helps reduce the potential for attracting predators.

To naturally discourage feeding coyotes, practice proper garbage disposal by keeping it in your garage until trash day, if feasible. If you have fruit trees or vegetable gardens, promptly remove any fallen fruit to prevent it from becoming a food source left behind on the ground.

Method of Hazing

If you come across a coyote, utilizing hazing methods can effectively instill fear of humans and deter them from frequenting the area. If you encounter a coyote, begin by yelling and waving your arms as you approach it. Initially, the coyote may not flee if it hasn’t been hazed before.

In such instances, persist in advancing towards the animal while intensifying the volume and vigor of your hazing. If the coyote pauses after fleeing, continue to follow it to prevent its return.

To haze effectively, strive to appear as large and loud as possible. Alternatively, employ tools such as a water hose to spray or pots and pans to generate additional noise. However, maintain a safe distance from the coyote to ensure your safety throughout the process.

Call in a Professional

If dealing with a stubborn coyote or managing a DIY task feels overwhelming, enlisting professional help might be your best bet. Coyote removal experts boast years of invaluable experience in eliminating these pesky creatures. They possess the expertise to safely and humanely rid your property of coyotes.

In addition to ensuring humane treatment, calling in professionals may prove to be a more cost-effective solution in the long run, potentially saving you from the expenses associated with purchasing supplies for DIY removal attempts.


Effectively keeping coyotes away entails measures such as securing pet food and trash cans to eliminate food sources, thereby reducing the incentive for coyotes to inhabit residential areas. Employing coyote deterrents and promptly hazing them when encountered can help instill fear and keep coyotes at bay.

Additionally, addressing the rodent population indirectly contributes to reducing coyote attraction. It’s crucial to prioritize non-lethal methods to control the coyote population and maintain ecological balance.

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